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Comprehensive Outline of Linear Algebra Concepts & Usage in Prompt Engineering.

Writer's picture: Andre KosmosAndre Kosmos

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

1. Scalar Adjusting the weight of a prompt component

2. Vector Representing word embeddings in prompt design

3. Matrix Storing multiple word embeddings

4. Determinant Evaluating the strength or uniqueness of a prompt

5. Eigenvalue Analyzing prompt stability and importance

6. Eigenvector Finding principal directions in prompt data

7. Matrix Multiplication Combining different prompt features

8. Inverse Matrix Reversing transformations applied to prompts

9. Linear Transformation Applying systematic changes to prompt structures

10. Basis Establishing foundational prompt structures

11. Rank Determining the effective dimensions of a prompt set

12. Orthogonality Ensuring diversity in prompt generation

13. Linear Independence Ensuring non-redundancy in prompt components

14. Gram-Schmidt Process Orthonormalizing prompt components

15. Matrix Decomposition Breaking down prompts into simpler components

16. Singular Value Decomposition Analyzing prompt importance and structure

17. Linear Combination Creating new prompts from existing components

18. Row Space Analyzing the span of prompt components

19. Column Space Analyzing the reach of prompt outputs

20. Null Space Identifying ineffective prompt components

21. Trace Summing up the effectiveness of a set of prompts

22. Norm Measuring the magnitude or quality of a prompt

23. Inner Product Comparing similarity between two prompts

24. Outer Product Generating new prompt components from existing ones

25. Matrix Factorization Decomposing prompts for better understanding

26. Quadratic Form Evaluating prompt quality in a non-linear space

27. Diagonal Matrix Simplifying prompt transformations

28. Symmetric Matrix Ensuring consistency in prompt generation

29. Projection Reducing prompt complexity while retaining essence

30. Cross Product Generating orthogonal prompt components

31. Tensor Representing higher-order prompt interactions

32. Kronecker Product Expanding prompt components in a structured manner

33. LU Decomposition Analyzing prompt structures in layers

34. Cholesky Decomposition Ensuring positive definiteness in prompt quality measures

35. Jordan Normal Form Simplifying complex prompt structures

36. Matrix Exponential Predicting prompt evolution over iterations

37. Condition Number Evaluating the stability of prompt generation methods

38. Linear Least Squares Optimizing prompt quality based on feedback

39. Affine Transformation Applying linear plus constant changes to prompts

40. Homogeneous Coordinates Representing prompts in scalable spaces

41. Bilinear Form Evaluating interactions between two prompts

42. Linear Span Determining the range of prompts generated from a set

43. Linear Subspace Identifying subsets of prompt space

44. Orthogonal Matrix Ensuring prompt transformations preserve lengths

45. Hermitian Matrix Ensuring prompt transformations are self-adjoint

46. Positive Definite Matrix Ensuring all prompt components contribute positively

47. Rayleigh Quotient Evaluating the efficiency of prompt transformations

48. Householder Transformation Reflecting prompts to achieve certain objectives

49. Gershgorin Circle Theorem Estimating prompt eigenvalues for analysis

50. QR Decomposition Decomposing prompts into orthogonal and upper triangular components

51. Rotation Matrix Adjusting prompt orientation in multi-dimensional space

52. Linear System of Equations Solving for optimal prompt components based on constraints

53. Eigenbasis Representing prompts in terms of their principal components

54. Matrix Power Iteratively applying transformations to prompts

55. Bidiagonalization Simplifying prompt structures for specific analyses

56. Conjugate Gradient Method Iteratively refining prompts for optimization

57. Cofactor Evaluating the impact of removing a prompt component

58. Adjugate Matrix Reversing transformations with determinant preservation

59. Spectral Theorem Analyzing prompt properties based on eigenvalues

60. Perron-Frobenius Theorem Evaluating dominant prompt components in non-negative matrices

61. Matrix Norm Measuring the size or magnitude of prompt transformations

62. Schur Decomposition Representing prompts in terms of nearly-diagonal forms

63. Hessenberg Form Simplifying prompt structures for eigenvalue computations

64. Toeplitz Matrix Representing prompts with constant diagonals

65. Hankel Matrix Representing prompts with constant anti-diagonals

66. Circulant Matrix Representing cyclic or repetitive prompts

67. Sylvester’s Law of Inertia Analyzing the signature of quadratic forms in prompts

68. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem Applying matrix characteristics to its own transformations

69. Frobenius Norm Measuring the absolute magnitude of all prompt components

70. Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse Computing solutions for ill-defined prompt problems

71. Singular Value Analyzing the strength and weakness of prompt components

72. Matrix Pencil Representing a family of prompts parametrically

73. Block Matrix Grouping related prompt components together

74. Companion Matrix Representing characteristic polynomials in prompt analysis

75. Triangular Matrix Simplifying prompt computations with structured hierarchy

76. Skew-symmetric Matrix Representing prompts with properties that negate themselves

77. Idempotent Matrix Applying prompt transformations that are self-replicating

78. Matrix Polynomial Applying multiple prompt transformations hierarchically

79. Matrix Differential Equation Modeling prompt evolution over time

80. Matrix Inequality Comparing prompt sets based on certain criteria

81. Matrix Partitioning Dividing prompts into subcomponents for analysis

82. Matrix Function Applying non-linear transformations to prompts

83. Matrix Series Iteratively refining prompts based on a sequence

84. Matrix Calculus Analyzing prompt changes with respect to parameters

85. Matrix Chain Multiplication Optimizing sequence of prompt transformations

86. Matrix Completion Filling in missing prompt components based on known data

87. Matrix Factorization Rank Determining the effective number of prompt components

88. Matrix Isomorphism Identifying structurally similar prompts

89. Matrix Congruence Analyzing similarity between prompts under transformations

90. Matrix Equivalence Identifying prompts that can be transformed into each other

91. Matrix Sign Function Evaluating the overall orientation of a prompt

92. Matrix Square Root Finding base prompts that can be compounded to form others

93. Matrix Stabilization Ensuring prompt transformations are well-behaved

94. Matrix Trigonometry Applying periodic transformations to prompts

95. Matrix Exponential Function Predicting prompt evolution based on growth rates

96. Matrix Logarithm Reversing exponential prompt transformations

97. Matrix Cosine Analyzing oscillatory behavior in prompts

98. Matrix Sine Analyzing oscillatory deviations in prompts

99. Matrix Hyperbolic Functions Modeling rapid growth or decay in prompts

100. Matrix Resolvent Analyzing prompt responses to specific inputs

101. Matrix Diagonalization Transforming prompts to a simpler basis for analysis

102. Matrix Trace Summing up the main characteristics of a prompt

103. Matrix Rank Determining the number of independent prompt components

104. Matrix Transpose Reversing the directionality of prompt relationships

105. Matrix Adjacency Representing connections between prompts in a network

106. Matrix Laplacian Analyzing the flow or diffusion of ideas in prompt design

107. Matrix Distance Measuring the difference between two prompts

108. Matrix Similarity Quantifying how alike two prompts are

109. Matrix Sparsity Analyzing the density of active components in a prompt

110. Matrix Density Contrasting with sparsity to measure prompt richness

111. Matrix Cohesion Evaluating how tightly related the components of a prompt are

112. Matrix Connectivity Analyzing the interrelationships between prompt components

113. Matrix Clustering Grouping similar prompts together

114. Matrix Decomposability Breaking down prompts into simpler, interpretable parts

115. Matrix Regularization Ensuring prompts are well-behaved and stable

116. Matrix Optimization Refining prompts to achieve a desired outcome

117. Matrix Embedding Representing prompts in a reduced-dimensional space

118. Matrix Projection Mapping prompts onto a subspace for analysis

119. Matrix Integration Accumulating prompt characteristics over a domain

120. Matrix Differentiation Analyzing rate of change in prompt characteristics

121. Matrix Boundary Determining the limits or extents of a prompt set

122. Matrix Topology Studying the abstract structure of prompt relationships

123. Matrix Dynamics Analyzing prompt behavior over time or iterations

124. Matrix Stability Evaluating the robustness of a prompt against perturbations

125. Matrix Convergence Studying if iterative prompt processes reach a steady state

126. Matrix Divergence Identifying when prompt processes move away from a state

127. Matrix Scalability Analyzing how prompts behave as their size increases

128. Matrix Redundancy Identifying and removing repetitive or unnecessary prompt components

129. Matrix Variability Measuring the range or spread of prompt characteristics

130. Matrix Modularity Evaluating the independence and interdependence of prompt components

131. Matrix Adaptability Analyzing how easily prompts can be modified or adjusted

132. Matrix Evolution Studying the historical or temporal changes in prompts

133. Matrix Morphology Analyzing the shape or structure of prompts

134. Matrix Interactivity Evaluating how prompts respond to user or system interactions

135. Matrix Responsiveness Measuring the speed or efficiency of prompt reactions

136. Matrix Flexibility Analyzing the adaptability of prompts to various conditions

137. Matrix Resilience Evaluating prompt robustness against failures or errors

138. Matrix Robustness Measuring the strength or toughness of prompts

139. Matrix Reliability Evaluating the consistency and dependability of prompts

140. Matrix Efficiency Measuring the effectiveness of prompts relative to resources used

141. Matrix Efficacy Evaluating the ability of prompts to produce a desired effect

142. Matrix Utility Analyzing the usefulness or value of prompts

143. Matrix Validity Evaluating the accuracy or truthfulness of prompts

144. Matrix Reliability Measuring the repeatability or consistency of prompts

145. Matrix Generality Evaluating the broad applicability of prompts

146. Matrix Specificity Analyzing the precision or narrow focus of prompts

147. Matrix Novelty Evaluating the newness or originality of prompts

148. Matrix Relevance Measuring the pertinence or applicability of prompts to a context

149. Matrix Contextuality Analyzing how prompts are influenced by or influence their surroundings

150. Matrix Interpretability Evaluating how easily prompts can be understood or explained

101. Matrix Diagonalization Transforming prompts to a simpler basis for analysis

102. Matrix Trace Summing up the main characteristics of a prompt

103. Matrix Rank Determining the number of independent prompt components

104. Matrix Transpose Reversing the directionality of prompt relationships

105. Matrix Adjacency Representing connections between prompts in a network

106. Matrix Laplacian Analyzing the flow or diffusion of ideas in prompt design

107. Matrix Distance Measuring the difference between two prompts

108. Matrix Similarity Quantifying how alike two prompts are

109. Matrix Sparsity Analyzing the density of active components in a prompt

110. Matrix Density Contrasting with sparsity to measure prompt richness

111. Matrix Cohesion Evaluating how tightly related the components of a prompt are

112. Matrix Connectivity Analyzing the interrelationships between prompt components

113. Matrix Clustering Grouping similar prompts together

114. Matrix Decomposability Breaking down prompts into simpler, interpretable parts

115. Matrix Regularization Ensuring prompts are well-behaved and stable

116. Matrix Optimization Refining prompts to achieve a desired outcome

117. Matrix Embedding Representing prompts in a reduced-dimensional space

118. Matrix Projection Mapping prompts onto a subspace for analysis

119. Matrix Integration Accumulating prompt characteristics over a domain

120. Matrix Differentiation Analyzing rate of change in prompt characteristics

121. Matrix Boundary Determining the limits or extents of a prompt set

122. Matrix Topology Studying the abstract structure of prompt relationships

123. Matrix Dynamics Analyzing prompt behavior over time or iterations

124. Matrix Stability Evaluating the robustness of a prompt against perturbations

125. Matrix Convergence Studying if iterative prompt processes reach a steady state

126. Matrix Divergence Identifying when prompt processes move away from a state

127. Matrix Scalability Analyzing how prompts behave as their size increases

128. Matrix Redundancy Identifying and removing repetitive or unnecessary prompt components

129. Matrix Variability Measuring the range or spread of prompt characteristics

130. Matrix Modularity Evaluating the independence and interdependence of prompt components

131. Matrix Adaptability Analyzing how easily prompts can be modified or adjusted

132. Matrix Evolution Studying the historical or temporal changes in prompts

133. Matrix Morphology Analyzing the shape or structure of prompts

134. Matrix Interactivity Evaluating how prompts respond to user or system interactions

135. Matrix Responsiveness Measuring the speed or efficiency of prompt reactions

136. Matrix Flexibility Analyzing the adaptability of prompts to various conditions

137. Matrix Resilience Evaluating prompt robustness against failures or errors

138. Matrix Robustness Measuring the strength or toughness of prompts

139. Matrix Reliability Evaluating the consistency and dependability of prompts

140. Matrix Efficiency Measuring the effectiveness of prompts relative to resources used

141. Matrix Efficacy Evaluating the ability of prompts to produce a desired effect

142. Matrix Utility Analyzing the usefulness or value of prompts

143. Matrix Validity Evaluating the accuracy or truthfulness of prompts

144. Matrix Reliability Measuring the repeatability or consistency of prompts

145. Matrix Generality Evaluating the broad applicability of prompts

146. Matrix Specificity Analyzing the precision or narrow focus of prompts

147. Matrix Novelty Evaluating the newness or originality of prompts

148. Matrix Relevance Measuring the pertinence or applicability of prompts to a context

149. Matrix Contextuality Analyzing how prompts are influenced by or influence their surroundings

150. Matrix Interpretability Evaluating how easily prompts can be understood or explained

  1. Vector Spaces Designing prompts using vector space concepts.

  2. Matrices and Operations Utilizing matrices for prompt manipulation.

  3. Linear Transformations Applying linear transformations to prompts.

  4. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvectors.

  5. Linear Independence Ensuring prompt independence for varied responses.

  6. Orthogonality and Projections Designing orthogonal prompts.

  7. Determinants and Volume Analyzing prompt volume using determinants.

  8. Rank and Null Space Analyzing prompt rank and null space.

  9. Linear Equations Designing prompts based on linear equations.

  10. Inner Product Spaces Incorporating inner product spaces in prompt design.

  11. Singular Value Decomposition Analyzing prompt behavior using SVD.

  12. Orthogonal Diagonalization Diagonalizing prompts through orthogonal transformations.

  13. Vector Norms Analyzing prompt norms for response evaluation.

  14. Matrix Factorizations Applying matrix factorizations to prompt design.

  15. Projection Matrices Designing prompts using projection matrices.

  16. Change of Basis Transforming prompts through basis changes.

  17. Linear Subspaces Analyzing prompt behavior within linear subspaces.

  18. Matrix Rank Considering prompt rank for response diversity.

  19. Linear Systems Designing prompts based on linear system concepts.

  20. Eigenspaces Exploring prompt behavior in eigenspaces.

  21. Nullity and Dimension Analyzing prompt nullity and dimension.

  22. Linear Independence Testing Testing prompt independence for varied responses.

  23. Linear Maps and Matrices Mapping prompts using linear transformations.

  24. Orthogonal Bases Designing prompts using orthogonal bases.

  25. Adjoint and Dual Spaces Incorporating adjoint and dual spaces in prompt design.

  26. Gram-Schmidt Process Orthogonalizing prompts using Gram-Schmidt.

  27. Matrix Inversion Designing prompts based on matrix inversion.

  28. Linear Interpolation Interpolating prompts using linear techniques.

  29. Linear Combination Designing prompts based on linear combination concepts.

  30. Linear Operator Properties Analyzing prompt behavior using linear operator properties.

  31. Vector Projection Projecting prompts using vector projection techniques.

  32. Matrix Diagonalization Diagonalizing prompts through matrix transformations.

  33. Linear Maps and Eigenvectors Mapping prompts using eigenvectors.

  34. Linear Subspace Projection Projecting prompts onto linear subspaces.

  35. Vector Space Basis Designing prompts using vector space bases.

  36. Matrix Eigendecomposition Decomposing prompts using eigendecomposition.

  37. Linear Regression Applying linear regression concepts to prompt design.

  38. Matrix Exponentiation Designing prompts based on matrix exponentiation.

  39. Matrix Approximation Approximating prompts using matrix techniques.

  40. Inner Product and Orthogonality Analyzing prompt behavior through inner product properties.

  41. Linear Equations and Matrices Utilizing linear equations and matrices for prompt design.

  42. Change of Coordinates Transforming prompts through coordinate changes.

  43. Linear Interpolation Interpolating prompts using linear techniques.

  44. Matrix Eigenvalues Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvalues.

  45. Linear Combination and Span Designing prompts based on linear combination and span concepts.

  46. Linear Transformation and Rank Analyzing prompt behavior through transformation and rank.

  47. Vector Dot Product Designing prompts based on vector dot products.

  48. Matrix Row and Column Spaces Analyzing prompt behavior within row and column spaces.

  49. Linear Combination and Independence Designing independent prompts using linear combinations.

  50. Vector Space Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension within vector spaces.

  51. Matrix Row Reduction Designing prompts using matrix row reduction techniques.

  52. Linear Equations and Solutions Utilizing linear equations for prompt solutions.

  53. Matrix Transposition Applying matrix transposition in prompt analysis.

  54. Subspace Intersection Analyzing prompt behavior at subspace intersections.

  55. Vector Projection Designing prompts using vector projection techniques.

  56. Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvalue and eigenvector concepts.

  57. Linear Transformation and Inverse Designing prompts using inverse transformations.

  58. Orthogonal Complement Analyzing prompt behavior within orthogonal complements.

  59. Matrix Determinant Utilizing matrix determinants in prompt analysis.

  60. Linear Combination and Span Designing prompts based on linear combination and span concepts.

  61. Vector Linearity and Independence Analyzing prompt linearity and independence.

  62. Matrix Column Space Analyzing prompt behavior within column spaces.

  63. Subspace Union Designing prompts that span across multiple subspaces.

  64. Linear Transformation and Null Space Analyzing prompt behavior within null spaces.

  65. Matrix Cross Product Utilizing matrix cross products in prompt analysis.

  66. Linear Transformation and Linear Independence Designing linearly independent prompts using transformations.

  67. Vector Basis Analyzing prompt behavior within vector bases.

  68. Matrix Powers and Diagonalization Utilizing matrix powers for prompt diagonalization.

  69. Subspace Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension within subspaces.

  70. Vector Projection and Orthogonality Designing orthogonal prompts using vector projection.

  71. Matrix Trace Utilizing matrix trace in prompt analysis.

  72. Linear Transformation and Composition Composing prompts using linear transformations.

  73. Vector Orthogonality Analyzing prompt orthogonality using vector concepts.

  74. Matrix Norms Analyzing prompt norms using matrix properties.

  75. Subspace Orthogonality Designing prompts with orthogonal subspaces.

  76. Vector Subtraction Utilizing vector subtraction in prompt analysis.

  77. Matrix Rank and Nullity Analyzing prompt rank and nullity.

  78. Linear Transformation and Inverse Designing prompts using inverse transformations.

  79. Vector Magnitude and Direction Analyzing prompt magnitudes and directions.

  80. Matrix Similarity Utilizing matrix similarity in prompt analysis.

  81. Subspace Projection Designing prompts using subspace projection techniques.

  82. Vector Inner Product Analyzing prompt behavior using inner product properties.

  83. Matrix Eigenvalue Decomposition Decomposing prompts using eigenvalues.

  84. Linear Transformation and Eigenvectors Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvectors.

  85. Vector Cross Product Utilizing vector cross products in prompt analysis.

  86. Matrix Hermitian and Unitary Designing prompts based on Hermitian and unitary matrices.

  87. Subspace Intersection and Basis Analyzing prompt behavior at subspace intersections using bases.

  88. Vector Linearity and Span Designing prompts based on linear span concepts.

  89. Matrix Norm and Convergence Analyzing prompt convergence using matrix norms.

  90. Linear Transformation and Change of Basis Designing prompts using basis change transformations.

  91. Vector Magnitude and Normalization Analyzing prompt magnitudes and normalization.

  92. Matrix Positive Definite and Symmetric Designing prompts based on positive definite and symmetric matrices.

  93. Subspace Union and Span Analyzing prompt span across multiple subspaces.

  94. Vector Orthogonality and Projection Designing prompts using orthogonal projection techniques.

  95. Matrix Eigenvalues and Diagonalization Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvalues and diagonalization.

  96. Linear Transformation and Linear Combination Designing prompts using linear combinations of transformations.

  97. Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication Analyzing prompt behavior using vector operations.

  98. Matrix Inverse and Linear Independence Designing linearly independent prompts using matrix inverses.

  99. Subspace Basis and Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension using subspace bases.

  100. Vector Dot Product and Angle Analyzing prompt behavior using dot product and angles.

  101. Matrix Eigenvalues and Spectral Decomposition Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvalues and spectral decomposition.

  102. Linear Transformation and Null Space Designing prompts using null space transformations.

  103. Subspace Projection and Orthogonality Designing orthogonal prompts using subspace projection.

  104. Vector Linear Independence and Span Analyzing prompt linear independence and span.

  105. Matrix Similarity and Diagonalization Analyzing prompt behavior through similarity and diagonalization.

  106. Linear Transformation and Change of Coordinates Transforming prompts through coordinate changes.

  107. Subspace Intersection and Linear Combination Analyzing prompt behavior at subspace intersections using linear combinations.

  108. Vector Magnitude and Normalization Analyzing prompt magnitudes and normalization.

  109. Matrix Eigenvalue Decomposition and Diagonalization Decomposing and diagonalizing prompts using eigenvalues.

  110. Linear Transformation and Eigenspaces Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenspaces.

  111. Subspace Union and Linear Combination Analyzing prompt behavior spanning multiple subspaces using linear combinations.

  112. Vector Orthogonal Basis and Orthogonality Designing prompts using orthogonal vector bases.

  113. Matrix Eigenvalue Sensitivity and Analysis Analyzing prompt sensitivity using eigenvalues.

  114. Linear Transformation and Rotation Rotating prompts using linear transformations.

  115. Subspace Projection and Independence Designing independent prompts using subspace projection.

  116. Vector Normalization and Orthogonality Analyzing prompt behavior using normalization and orthogonality.

  117. Matrix Determinant and Volume Analyzing prompt volume using determinants.

  118. Linear Transformation and Scaling Scaling prompts using linear transformations.

  119. Subspace Dimension and Span Analyzing prompt span within subspaces.

  120. Vector Projection and Decomposition Designing prompts using vector projection and decomposition.

  121. Matrix Transposition and Symmetry Analyzing prompt symmetry using matrix transposition.

  122. Linear Transformation and Reflection Reflecting prompts using linear transformations.

  123. Subspace Intersection and Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension at subspace intersections.

  124. Vector Subtraction and Combination Designing prompts using vector subtraction and combinations.

  125. Matrix Rank and Column Space Analyzing prompt behavior within column spaces.

  126. Linear Transformation and Shearing Shearing prompts using linear transformations.

  127. Subspace Orthogonal Basis and Orthogonality Designing orthogonal prompts using subspace orthogonal bases.

  128. Vector Magnitude and Distance Analyzing prompt magnitudes and distances.

  129. Matrix Trace and Determinant Analyzing prompt behavior using trace and determinants.

  130. Linear Transformation and Reflection Reflecting prompts using linear transformations.

  131. Subspace Union and Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension spanning multiple subspaces.

  132. Vector Projection and Magnitude Analyzing prompt projection and magnitudes.

  133. Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

  134. Linear Transformation and Scaling Scaling prompts using linear transformations.

  135. Subspace Intersection and Orthogonality Designing orthogonal prompts at subspace intersections.

  136. Vector Linearity and Linear Combination Analyzing prompt linearity using linear combinations.

  137. Matrix Row Reduction and Independence Designing independent prompts using matrix row reduction.

  138. Linear Transformation and Shearing Shearing prompts using linear transformations.

  139. Subspace Dimension and Orthogonality Analyzing prompt orthogonality within subspaces.

  140. Vector Addition and Orthogonality Designing orthogonal prompts using vector addition.

  141. Matrix Similarity and Eigendecomposition Decomposing prompts using matrix similarity.

  142. Linear Transformation and Translation Translating prompts using linear transformations.

  143. Subspace Projection and Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension using subspace projection.

  144. Vector Scalar Multiplication and Linear Combination Designing prompts using scalar multiplication and linear combinations.

  145. Matrix Norm and Convergence Analyzing prompt convergence using matrix norms.

  146. Linear Transformation and Shearing Shearing prompts using linear transformations.

  147. Matrix Diagonalization and Eigenvectors Analyzing prompt behavior through diagonalization and eigenvectors.

  148. Subspace Basis and Orthogonal Decomposition Decomposing prompts using orthogonal bases.

  149. Vector Magnitude and Angle Analyzing prompt magnitudes and angles.

  150. Matrix Inversion and Linear Transformation Transforming prompts using matrix inversion.

  151. Linear Combination and Orthogonal Projection Designing prompts using orthogonal projection techniques.

  152. Subspace Dimension and Linear Combination Analyzing prompt behavior through subspace dimension and linear combinations.

  153. Vector Linearity and Magnitude Analyzing prompt linearity through vector magnitudes.

  154. Matrix Rank and Orthogonality Designing orthogonal prompts based on rank.

  155. Linear Transformation and Scaling Scaling prompts using linear transformations.

  156. Subspace Projection and Magnitude Analyzing prompt projection and magnitudes.

  157. Vector Span and Linear Combination Analyzing prompt span through linear combinations.

  158. Matrix Eigenvalues and Spectral Decomposition Analyzing prompt behavior using eigenvalues and spectral decomposition.

  159. Linear Transformation and Rotation Rotating prompts using linear transformations.

  160. Subspace Intersection and Basis Analyzing prompt basis at subspace intersections.

  161. Vector Orthogonal Projection Designing prompts using orthogonal projection techniques.

  162. Matrix Similarity and Eigenvalues Analyzing prompt behavior through similarity and eigenvalues.

  163. Linear Transformation and Reflection Reflecting prompts using linear transformations.

  164. Subspace Union and Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension spanning multiple subspaces.

  165. Vector Projection and Orthogonal Basis Designing prompts using orthogonal vector projections.

  166. Matrix Eigenvalue Decomposition Decomposing prompts using eigenvalues.

  167. Linear Transformation and Shearing Shearing prompts using linear transformations.

  168. Subspace Orthogonality and Projection Designing orthogonal prompts using subspace projection techniques.

  169. Vector Magnitude and Decomposition Analyzing prompt magnitudes through decomposition.

  170. Matrix Column Space and Null Space Analyzing prompt behavior within column and null spaces.

  171. Linear Transformation and Reflection Reflecting prompts using linear transformations.

  172. Subspace Dimension and Span Analyzing prompt span within subspaces.

  173. Vector Addition and Magnitude Analyzing prompt magnitudes through vector addition.

  174. Matrix Transposition and Diagonalization Analyzing prompt behavior through transposition and diagonalization.

  175. Linear Transformation and Scaling Scaling prompts using linear transformations.

  176. Subspace Intersection and Independence Analyzing prompt behavior at subspace intersections using independence.

  177. Vector Dot Product and Linear Combination Designing prompts using dot product and linear combinations.

  178. Matrix Inverse and Rank Analyzing prompt rank using matrix inverses.

  179. Linear Transformation and Shearing Shearing prompts using linear transformations.

  180. Subspace Orthogonal Basis and Dimension Analyzing prompt dimension using orthogonal bases.

  181. Vector Normalization and Orthogonality Designing prompts using normalization and orthogonality.

  182. Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

  183. Linear Transformation and Change of Coordinates Transforming prompts through coordinate changes.

  184. Subspace Union and Linear Combination Analyzing prompt behavior spanning multiple subspaces using linear combinations.

  185. Vector Orthogonal Projection Designing prompts using orthogonal projection techniques.

  186. Matrix Eigenvalue Decomposition Decomposing prompts using eigenvalues.

  187. Linear Transformation and Reflection Reflecting prompts using linear transformations.

  188. Subspace Dimension and Span Analyzing prompt span within subspaces.

  189. Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication Designing prompts using vector addition and scalar multiplication.

  190. Matrix Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Analyzing prompt behavior through eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

  191. Linear Transformation and Scaling Scaling prompts using linear transformations.

  192. Subspace Intersection and Orthogonality Designing orthogonal prompts at subspace intersections.

  193. Vector Linearity and Linear Combination Analyzing prompt linearity using linear combinations.

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